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PRIAAS - PRIAAS - Professional Inspection & Audit Services
Copyright 2019
During a Social Accountability Audit of the factory, PRIAAS targets work environment issues in regards to conformance & non-conformance either with the client's policy or SA8000 defined criteria. The points that are addressed in a social audit include "Health and Safety", "Discrimination", "Disciplinary Practices", "Working Hours", "Compensation", "Management Practices", "Forced Labor", "Freedom of Association", "Child Labor Laws". After complete evaluation, PRIAAS provides a comprehensive report with digital at site pictures documenting each accountability requirement, with attention paid to areas in need of improvement.
Why Social Accountability evaluation?
SA8000 is globally applicable to all industries and provides a clear framework that ensures ethical responsibility. The Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation Agency (CEPAA), with the assistance of international business community and various labor organizations, developed the first standardized system for social accountability of suppliers and vendors. The new standard SA8000, was modeled after the ISO9000 standard & ISO14000 environmental standard.
Corporations are now realizing that commitment to social justice,
with consideration of ethical values and moral standards in corporate policies,
is consistent with improved corporate prosperity and commercial success. SA8000
evaluation is an important tool in developing a Corporate Code of Conduct.
Several high-profile media cases have brought unfair labor practices to the
public's attention. Ensuring ethical practices through the adherence of a
globally accepted standard, such as SA8000, prevents these negative attacks from